Friday, October 4, 2013

The Music 012 - Swordfish Hotkiss Night

Wow.  Already the first week of my weekly scheduled posts, and I miss a day.  So, I'm here to make up for it now by making this first post today my 'Thursday' post; better late than never (this sounds an awful lot like Tuesday's post).  So I know I said Thursdays would alternate between 'weird but good' and genres other than rock and pop.  Well, I think I'm gonna go with weird today.  That weird comes in the form of a song from Empire of the Sun's first album.  It doesn't get much weirder than this (yes it does, but it's an expression).  While this song is weird as all get-out, it's still really good, and surprisingly catchy!  Enjoy, I'll be back in just a few minutes with my actual Friday post (before I forget).

- Manifest Destiny

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