Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Music 027 - Caroline

Here we go again, can't stop me!  The music continues in my attempt at the A-Z's of Ballads (named after someone) with Caroline by Chicago.  (Double Whammy on the C's there!)  This song comes from Chicago XXX (that's 30, not a porno).  This entire album is both good at being jazzy and rocking it out.  This song proves just that.  When I first heard this album, I immediately went out and looked up all their other recent stuff, since I thought they had slowed down after their early hits.  Boy was I wrong, and am I glad to admit that.  You should also check out their album, Stones of Sisyphus, especially the songs "Mahjong" and "Sleeping in the Middle of the Bed".  For now though, listen to this, and I'll see you later.

- Manifest Destiny

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