Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Music 030 - For Nancy

Rapid fire music!  This song, which is part of the continuation of my A-Z's of Ballads series, is by Pete Yorn.  I guess he was more famous that I thought, but this song actually has a music video for it, so I'll be posting that.  While the song is titled after a woman whose name begins with 'N', I'm classifying it as the 'F' post.  I don't need a reason, it's my series of posts.  Anyway, Pete Yorn comes from my collection of "music my dad had that I never really got around to listening until I hit shuffle on iTunes and came across it by coincidence".  So I can't say much, but while a picture is worth a thousand words, a music video is worth your time, so listen!

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 029 - Emily

Back once again to continue the A-Z of Ballads.  Sorry it's taking me so long for some of these, but I'm to lazy to be making the video, uploading it to YouTube, and posting it on the blog.  I want to share the music, but I don't want to do everything in the process.  Whatever.  Anyway so this song is by a band named Hollowell.  To be honest, I only have a little under half a dozen of their songs and I'm not sure what else they've done, but I love their sound.  They somewhat remind me of Honestly (which I will eventually post on this blog, I've got it queued up and ready to go.  Anyway, enjoy the song, and I'll actually be back in just a few minutes with the next post!

- Manifest Destiny

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Music 028 - Deborah

Alright, so I'm back from the grave after over two weeks and despite having nearly rotted away, I'm still sharing some music.  So be glad about that, I've been lazy over the past few weeks, and I'm going to try really hard to keep posting from now on.  With that let's continue on.  If you've forgotten I'm trying to do the A-Z's of Ballads, or songs named after women, so let's continue on by a song by Fury in the Slaughterhouse.  Great band, great song (despite the fact that I've only just listened to in for the first time about a week ago).  Despite that, this has gone into the category for 'music from my giant ass collection I'll keep in mind and listen to later'.  Yes I know I need to learn to name these categories a little better.  But who has time for that, I've only got time for good music.  Enjoy!

- Manifest Destiny

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Music 027 - Caroline

Here we go again, can't stop me!  The music continues in my attempt at the A-Z's of Ballads (named after someone) with Caroline by Chicago.  (Double Whammy on the C's there!)  This song comes from Chicago XXX (that's 30, not a porno).  This entire album is both good at being jazzy and rocking it out.  This song proves just that.  When I first heard this album, I immediately went out and looked up all their other recent stuff, since I thought they had slowed down after their early hits.  Boy was I wrong, and am I glad to admit that.  You should also check out their album, Stones of Sisyphus, especially the songs "Mahjong" and "Sleeping in the Middle of the Bed".  For now though, listen to this, and I'll see you later.

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 026 - Bella

Alright, I know I just posted, but I'm doing it again.  We're off to a fast paced start for the A-Z's of Ballads (named after someone).  Next up we've got Bella by Special EFX.  This is one jazzy song, and I like it, despite the fact that I only just found it within the last week.  This comes from my dad's large collection of jazz music that he got throughout his college days (to unsuccessfully impress the ladies).  While he couldn't do that, he was able to introduce me to some amazing jazz music, and I'm here to do the same for you.  Enjoy and I'll be back with the next post shortly, then it'll be off to bed for a while.

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 025 - Avelyn

So I'm back from the dead, and it's time to begin the A-Z of Ballads (named after someone).  To start it of we have Avelyn by Trapt.  While Trapt is known for their hard rock and really rough music.  This song, which is acoustic, is probably my personal favorite of theirs.  I'm not sure why, it just caught my attention, and then I couldn't stop listening to it.  This comes from their album, "Reborn" which is also a really good album overall.  I was hoping, since the song was labelled the acoustic version, that it had a non-acoustic version too.  Mainly out of curiosity, but it doesn't look like they do.  Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm begging you.  Anyway let's get this thing started, I should get through a few more letters in the next hour since I haven't posted in so long.  Enjoy.

- Manifest Destiny

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Mission 002 - New Stuff

Alright so 2 things that I'm going to talk about now.  First, it looks like I'm not motivated enough to keep the weekly pattern and still post on a daily basis.  So instead I'll post what I want, when I want (which will probably be on a daily basis since I like music).  The second thing I wanted to talk about is what I plan to start up in the next week or so which is:

The A-Z of Ballads.

Basically what I'll be doing is posting, in alphabetical order, songs whose titles are someone's name.  I'll keep you posted on this.

- Manifest Destiny