Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Music 027 - Caroline

Here we go again, can't stop me!  The music continues in my attempt at the A-Z's of Ballads (named after someone) with Caroline by Chicago.  (Double Whammy on the C's there!)  This song comes from Chicago XXX (that's 30, not a porno).  This entire album is both good at being jazzy and rocking it out.  This song proves just that.  When I first heard this album, I immediately went out and looked up all their other recent stuff, since I thought they had slowed down after their early hits.  Boy was I wrong, and am I glad to admit that.  You should also check out their album, Stones of Sisyphus, especially the songs "Mahjong" and "Sleeping in the Middle of the Bed".  For now though, listen to this, and I'll see you later.

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 026 - Bella

Alright, I know I just posted, but I'm doing it again.  We're off to a fast paced start for the A-Z's of Ballads (named after someone).  Next up we've got Bella by Special EFX.  This is one jazzy song, and I like it, despite the fact that I only just found it within the last week.  This comes from my dad's large collection of jazz music that he got throughout his college days (to unsuccessfully impress the ladies).  While he couldn't do that, he was able to introduce me to some amazing jazz music, and I'm here to do the same for you.  Enjoy and I'll be back with the next post shortly, then it'll be off to bed for a while.

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 025 - Avelyn

So I'm back from the dead, and it's time to begin the A-Z of Ballads (named after someone).  To start it of we have Avelyn by Trapt.  While Trapt is known for their hard rock and really rough music.  This song, which is acoustic, is probably my personal favorite of theirs.  I'm not sure why, it just caught my attention, and then I couldn't stop listening to it.  This comes from their album, "Reborn" which is also a really good album overall.  I was hoping, since the song was labelled the acoustic version, that it had a non-acoustic version too.  Mainly out of curiosity, but it doesn't look like they do.  Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm begging you.  Anyway let's get this thing started, I should get through a few more letters in the next hour since I haven't posted in so long.  Enjoy.

- Manifest Destiny

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Mission 002 - New Stuff

Alright so 2 things that I'm going to talk about now.  First, it looks like I'm not motivated enough to keep the weekly pattern and still post on a daily basis.  So instead I'll post what I want, when I want (which will probably be on a daily basis since I like music).  The second thing I wanted to talk about is what I plan to start up in the next week or so which is:

The A-Z of Ballads.

Basically what I'll be doing is posting, in alphabetical order, songs whose titles are someone's name.  I'll keep you posted on this.

- Manifest Destiny

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Music 024 - She

Yes it's another song titled "She".  This time, however, it's a pop song, not a rock song, and it's by Parachute, not fade.  Parachute just put out a new album in the last month or so, and it's really good.  I don't feel it holds a candle to their first album though.  That's why today's song comes from their first (and better) album.  I can't tell you how I found these guys.  If I had to guess it was one of those, "I was in a store, and this song was playing, so I scanned it with my phone, and viola I found an amazing new band" moments.  Anyways, here's today's song.  I might not be back until later today, if at all.  Exams take priority over blogs.

- Manifest Destiny

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Music 023 - Sweet Disaster

It's a new week, so it's time for some more music!  Today's song is by a guy named Nate Davenport.  I found this guy from ourstage radio, which is a fantastic site (I think I mentioned it before).  Other than that I know almost nothing about this guy, but I like his music, and that's all that really matters.  With that all being said, I've only listened to a couple of his songs, and I haven't gone out of my way to see if he's put out any new music.  But I'm gonna change that when I'm done posting this song here, because this guy is a diamond in the rough.  Unfortunately there isn't a YouTube video for this song, and I'm too lazy to go make one, so I'm just going to link you to the OurStage Radio page for the song.  Be that as it may, you still should enjoy it, and while you're there check out some other stuff!  Click here.

- Manifest Destiny

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Music 022 - She

Putting my music library on Shuffle always results in some really good music that I've missed popping up.  Here we've got one such song.  This song is by a band called fade.  Yes, lower case 'fade'.  These guys are a mix between alternative and hard rock.  They originate from Japan, but they sing most of their music in English.  This song is entirely in English, so don't worry, I have yet to post foreign music (it'll inevitably happen).  Their music is good.  That's all there is to it, all their music is good.  I may prefer some of their music over the rest, but I don't dislike any of it.  That's why they will be posted here frequently, and you should go out and listen to all their music after you listen to this song.  I mean it, their last album was the only music I listened to during the Summer of 2012.  It's that good.

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 021 - Million Miles

Time for another song!  This time it's by a band you might have actually heard of, Fuel.  These guys had a few big songs a while back.  They never hit the top of the charts as far as I remember, but they deserved to.  These guys are a classic example of some solid hard rock music.  That area between metal and alternative.  That's what these guys cover.  That being said, you might even know the song; it was one of their bigger ones.  I should be back soon with more music!

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 020 - Another Day

Indeed it's Friday, and thus another day.  So today's song is called "Another Day", performed by Carousel.  I found this song because one of my friends linked a different song from SoundCloud to my facebook account.  I loved the song so much, I looked up the artist on SoundCloud and listened to his other two songs there.  Well, the way SoundCloud works is after it plays the 'playlist' that's up, it goes to some new song (not random, but I don't know how it works).  This was that next song.  The song after this was also good, but I like this one better; plus it's not a remix.  Anyway, now that I'm back from that tangent I hope you enjoy and I should be back later with more music!  Keep an eye out and enjoy!

- Manifest Destiny

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Music 019 - West Coast Coolin'

Time for some jazz music.  We need to mix it up every now and again, so it's time to get laid back and feel the smooth.  That's right feel the smooth.  Here's Norman Brown's West Coast Coolin' and it's self-explanatory goodness.  Listen.

- Manifest Destiny

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Music 018 - Promise Keeper

Alright time for some good old fashion hard rock.  I've been meaning to get ahold of Breaking Point's albums but I always forget, so I only ever listen to them on YouTube.  It's not that it's not great music, it's just that I'm lazy.  It's quite the contrary in fact, these guys are awesome.  These guys were one of my favorite rock bands from the early 2000's.  Unfortunately they are no longer together but they put out two really good albums, and this comes from what I think is their best album.  Take a listen, then tell me what you think!

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 017 - Safe

Sorry today's post is so late but I've had my mind on other things.  Today's song, Safe (feat. Ana Matronic), comes from Duran Duran.  This is on of their more recent songs, and it's good.  It's different from some of the other things they've done in the past, but just because the style has changed somewhat doesn't mean that the quality has!  I recommend listening to all their music, the new stuff and their greatest hits!  Sorry that the only versions on YouTube happen to be live versions, but this is still really good quality.  Enjoy.

- Manifest Destiny

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Music 016 - Uncovered

Today's post is on time for once!  Today's off to a pretty good start, especially since you get to listen to some really good music.  Granian is another one of those bands that, unfortunately, only put out one album and then broke up.  One of the members went and created another band, Kill the Alarm, and put this song on that album as well (probably because they wrote it and had the rights to it).  While Kill the Alarm is a really good band too, I wish Granian was still together, there was just something different about them.  Uncovered is a really smooth song that will be stuck in your head for weeks at a time and I definitely recommend you check out the rest of their stuff when you finish listening (since I know you'll like it).  I'll post some more music later if I find something I think you need to hear.

- Manifest Destiny

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Music 015 - Music Goes On

IT'S TIME FOR WEIRD YET AWESOME SOUNDTRACK MUSIC.  Alright, so first things first, time for a little about yours truly.  I like to watch anime.  I started mainly because I don't have cable and it's easy access via the internet, plus there are a lot of really good series, while on modern TV there are only a few really good shows.  Anyway, with anime often comes really good soundtracks and music.  This song comes from the show Gatchaman Crowds, which is based off an old 70's or 80's show, and the soundtrack is all really good dubstep music.  If you are concerned about lyrics, you're in luck, this songs only lyrics are in English, but in the future I might post songs that are completely Japanese (rarely) or a hybrid of English and Japanese.  In fact I might make it my goal to post something foreign every weekend! I'm not sure I have enough music for that trend to last, but we'll see.  Anyway, I've gone on long enough about this and you should really listen to this.  If the fact that it comes from an anime worries you, don't let it; it doesn't sound like it does.  It sounds like it comes from an action movie soundtrack.  Take a listen. (It takes about 30 seconds for the lead in, but it's from a soundtrack, so that's to be expected.)

- Manifest Destiny

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Music 014 - Jag it Up

Time for something that ins't rock or pop, but something entirely else.  From a band called Gumshen, who I know almost nothing about, comes one of two songs I actually listen to of theirs, Jag it Up.  This is a long song, but not quite as long as their other song (which I will probably post at some point along the line).  All I can say about this song is it's kinda funky (I guess), but it's real good.  Well since this is my 'second' post for today, and today is Friday, I think I'm gonna be done for the day, unless I feel the urge to post again later.  So until then, enjoy what I've posted up until now, and I'll be back on Monday (at the latest).

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 013 - From That Point On

I'm back with my first real post of Friday.  I'm gonna post another song after this one because I couldn't choose between them, so you can have my cake and eat it too.  The cake in this case being my music, and the eating would be listening to it.  Unless you think you can eat music, in which case I'd advise you to see a doctor.  Back from that little tangent there, it's Friday so let's enjoy the day with SOME AMAZING MUSIC.  That amazing music happens to be from one of my, if not my, most favorite band, Revis.  These guys had one amazing album, and then they broke up.  They got back together a while ago, put out some aesome tracks they decided wouldn't go on their new album.  Then it went downhill from there.  Their drummer broke his leg during a rock climbing incident and couldn't play, so they postponed production.  Then their record label screwed them over, and they had to postpone it even further, eventually leading to the decision not to pursue making the new album.  While I'm really upset about this, they still released a few really good songs, this being one of them.  Once again, I'll be back in a few with another great song!

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 012 - Swordfish Hotkiss Night

Wow.  Already the first week of my weekly scheduled posts, and I miss a day.  So, I'm here to make up for it now by making this first post today my 'Thursday' post; better late than never (this sounds an awful lot like Tuesday's post).  So I know I said Thursdays would alternate between 'weird but good' and genres other than rock and pop.  Well, I think I'm gonna go with weird today.  That weird comes in the form of a song from Empire of the Sun's first album.  It doesn't get much weirder than this (yes it does, but it's an expression).  While this song is weird as all get-out, it's still really good, and surprisingly catchy!  Enjoy, I'll be back in just a few minutes with my actual Friday post (before I forget).

- Manifest Destiny

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Music 011 - The War is Over

Time for another song!  This time it's by one of my favorite hard rock bands, Trust Company.  These guys had stopped putting out albums and actually split up after their second album in 2005.  They formed separate bands, one of which, Amity Lane, was actually pretty similar since it was the lead singers new band.  Yet it 2011 they came back together and put out their newest album, Dreaming in Black and White.  God was that an amazing album.  These guys are one of the few bands I've seen successfully put together another album, after having a long term break up or hiatus, and I am so happy they did.  While this song is from one of their earlier albums, True Parrallels, it doesn't make it any less amazing.  Check out the other stuff they've done after listening to this one!

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 010 - The Joneses

Here's my first post for Wednesday, and since it's this early in the day, I'll probably post something else again this afternoon, so keep your eyes peeled!  Here we have a song by Nine Days, the guys who you'd probably know from their song "Absolutely (Story of a Girl)".  While I am a fan of most of their music, I like this song a lot.  While it starts off kind of odd, and doesn't seem to meld well, it soon picks up and you can see why they performed it the way they did.  "The Joneses" is not the only song Nine Days does that's like that, but I think it's a prime example.  I'll let you listen and see if you agree.

- Manifiest Destiny

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Music 009 - Winner

Winner.  That's both the name of the song, and what you are after listening to it.  Nuttin' But Stringz is a Violin/Hip-hop duo that performed on America's Got Talent and made it pretty far in.  They didn't win; however that didn't stop them from putting out a really sweet album.  While in some of the songs on their album, they are rapping the lyrics, this song has no lyrics.  I figured I would share their talents as violinists rather than rappers, but that doesn't mean they can't rap.  In fact, I invite you to check out the rest of their album after listening to this song.  The album is called Struggle from the Subway to the Charts, and is full of amazing songs and interludes.  On a side note, this post is a bonus post, so I don't really consider this part of my weekly pattern, but I figured you deserved special treatment.


- Manifest Destiny

The Music 008 - Reach Out

Already the second day of my first official weekly pattern, and I'm falling behind.  Well, I'm here now, so better late than never.  Anyway, today's song is called Reach Out by Take That.  I can honestly say, I don't know much about these guys, I don't remember how I found them, I don't know much of their music (in fact I only know 2 songs by name), and I can't say much about them other than that they're good.  I love their sound and should really look up more of their stuff, as should you.  On I side note, I think this was a band my dad found, and then played for me at one time or another, but I'm still not sure how I came back to them.  Also as an apology for posting this song so late, I'll post a bonus song, and I'll post my post for tomorrow shortly after midnight!

With that, let the music commence!

- Manifest Destiny