Monday, September 30, 2013

The Music 007 - Home

So, as I said last week, I'm now going to start following a weekly pattern, so today would be softer rock.  Which is what I consider this song by Something to Burn.  These guys know how to make some great hard rock, but I have to say, this song is probably my favorite of theirs.  They have a very interesting way of using the lead singer's rough voice in a softer style of music, and it works really well.

As a side note, take this as an example for future Monday posts.  I also have yet to decide whether or not I'm going to do only one post a day, or if I'm going to write whenever I want, as long as it fits the theme.  I might try the latter, but we'll see.

Anyway, enjoy the song.

- Manifest Destiny

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Music 006 - Take a Bow

So today's (first) song is from Sister Hazel's album Release.  Just came across it once again, and decided to make it my next post instead of another song I had in mind, though I might post that anyway.  The 'first' time I heard Sister Hazel I hadn't made the connection to they're big hit "All for You".  I thought "All for You" was a song by Hootie and the Blowfish, since they have a very similar sound.  Of course, now that I know, I can hardly see how I got them confused.  I guess I've learned to tell the difference between one slight country-rock twang and another.  Anyway here's the song.

- Manifest Destiny

The Mission 001 - Weekly Pattern

Okay guys, so I have yet to think of 'theme days' for the week, but I have come up with a temporary pattern of the music I'm going to post.  It goes as follows:

Monday - Soft Rock, Melodic Rock, the smooth stuff basically, ballads, harmony, etc.
Tuesday - Pop, not conventional top 40 pop, but my kind of pop.
Wednesday - Rock.  We're talking harder rock than Monday, but still some amazing Rock.
Thursday - I'm gonna alternate between weird but good, and genres other than Rock and Pop (these may overlap at times).
Friday - Whatever the hell I feel like, it's gonna be Friday, and I don't have a single shit to give on looking for something that fits a theme.

With that being said, if I think of better ideas and/or a theme, this'll change, but for now this is what it is.  Keep looking here this afternoon for my next music post.

Until then,

- Manifest Destiny

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Music 005 - Better Days

Alright, so this is the song I said that the last post, "The Music 004 - Monotone", reminded me of.  This song is called Better Days, and is performed by One Less Reason.  I know this song by the title "Labeled' but that's because when my dad first purchased it from iTunes (at least I got it for free), the song titles on the album were all disarranged.  Correct song title or not, however, this song still rocks, just like everything else the band does.  One Less Reason did a strange cover of "When Doves Cry"; it was good for what it was, but a complete 180 from the original.  Anyway, here's the song this post was actually about.

- Manifest Destiny

The Music 004 - Monotone

Sorry I didn't get around to posting yesterday but I had my hands full with replacing my car's Alternator.  Boy was that fun... and expensive.  Anyway, today's (first) song is Monotone by Splender.  Splender is probably a top contender for my favorite band, and it makes me sad to know that they'll never make another album.  They tried getting back together again a while back, and weren't able to do it.  Still they put out two amazing albums before they broke up.  Splender is an amazing melodic rock band, with a little more rock, and a little less melody, but still 100% great music.  Anyway, I have to say this song reminds me a lot of another song, so I might post that song later, and link it back to this, but for now enjoy the song.

- Manifest Destiny

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Music 003 - Alloveragain

Yes, that is meant to be all one 'word'.  That's how Tahiti 80 decided to title the song, probably because they say it fast.  Anyways, if you hadn't already figure it out, this song is called Alloveragain by Tahiti 80, which is one weird band.  I mean it.  After this, go check out the video for their song Changes.  If you think their music is weird, wait until you see that video; but despite that, these guys are good.  They have a really smooth sound, with a more upbeat style.  This song isn't quite as upbeat, but if I ever post more of their music, or if for some reason you actually go out and look these guys up, you'll see what I mean.

On a side note, I'm getting my theme days and schedule figured out so hopefully by next week I'll have it up and ready for those of you who find me this early.  Hopefully I'll also have about a dozen posts before then for a decent blog base.  I'll keep the music coming until then.

- Manifest Destiny

P.S.  It's tough finding songs on YouTube when these bands aren't that big (yet)!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Music 002 - Sweet Suffocation

Alright, so today I decided to put some more rock music on the blog.  In the future the genres will vary, and I'll eventually have a schedule and themes for different days, but until I've build up a number of posts, I'm going to just post whatever I feel like (even though that's the whole reason behind this blog in the first place).

Anyway, today's song is by Edgewater.  Unfortunately these guys haven't been together since they're last album in 2006, but up until then they put out some amazing music.  Especially from their album South of Sideways, which is where this song, Sweet Suffocation, comes from.  I also highly recommenced you check out Inhale from the album, hell I recommend the whole album, but first take a listen.

- Manifest Destiny

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Music 001 - Glasswork

Alright, well I fiddled around with the blog a little, but I'm lazy, and my computer just brought this song up on shuffle, so I had to put it up.  This song is by a band known as VOLA, and I found them quite a while back through Ourstage Radio, which is where new bands try to get themselves out and into the public's eyes and ears.  While 99% of the stuff on there is just a bunch of crap, I'd inevitably come across that one diamond in the rough.  THIS IS THAT DIAMOND.  I can't tell you how much I love this song, so I'm just gonna tell you to listen to it.  Unfortunately, this song hasn't been uploaded to YouTube since the day I found it, but I took the liberty of doing that myself this afternoon, just so I could link it here.


- Manifest Destiny

The Virtue, The Mission, The Destiny, and The Music - Introductions

Hello all, the name's Evan, or as my fraternity brothers were so kind to name me, Manifest Destiny.  I'm setting up this blog for the express purpose of force my taste of music onto the public.  Which means you get to sit there and listen to some awesome music.  With all that being said it's gonna take me a while to get this blog set up, so bear with me as I'm playing around with it.  Once I'm comfortable with how it looks, I'll put all my effort into sharing music as often as I can!

I'll leave it at that for now, I'm gonna mess around with the blog's design a bit, then I'll give you a little taste of what's to come.

- Manifest Destiny